Thursday, June 23, 2011

Points 2 Shop Reviews (people who are not members of points2shop please read)

Hello, I am Taylor. I want to share with you about a website which I think, no, I know will benefit you. It's Points2Shop. Points2Shop is a website designed for everyone who wants to earn free merchandise. That's right, free merchandise. Points2Shop is truely 100% legit, it is not a scam. Believe me, i've been a member for 6 months, and I am very satisfied with the results. You can earn points on completing offers like downloads, registering for surveys, completing surveys, taking quizzes about your favorite shows like family guy etc., etc. You get to exchange those points for free items, like movies, games, cards, etc. For example, yesterday, I had 1,400 points saved up, and I bought a set of 3 egyptian god cards from the original yugioh card game, which is equivelant to $14. Now just 1 of the cards would've been easily $100, so that was practically a steal, meaning a good deal of course. When you sign up, you get to start with either 250 points, or $0.50. Points2Shop is partnered with Cashle, which is pretty much the same as Points2Shop, but you get money with Cashle instead of points. However, 250 points is equivelant to $2.50, so points are better in my opinion. When you start, you start off at new level, which is an honour level. There are quite a few different honour levels, ranging from new, to legend. There are different things you must do to get a certain honour level. For instance, you have to purchase something to verify your address where the item will be shipped to move up to bronze level. Me, I am silver, and i'm very close to getting the gold honour level. There is a shoutbox, just like a chatroom, but with all the members of Points2Shop/Cashle talking in 1 box. There you can talk about nearly anything you want, you can also give and receive advice. Keep the language clean, and no name calling, and it will be a great experience. One last thing, referrals. You can make some good money with this, you click on refer others, and you get a page with banners and links of your choice, where you press ctrl + c, click on a box in like your blog, press ctrl + v to paste the url link there, submit, and then you have a link where if anyone clicks on it, and signs up under your link, you get up to $1, plus 15% commission on however many points they get. So if they were to get like 400 points one day, you get 60 points, so right there that's 460 given away there. If your referrals refer others, you get 3% of their profits, and if they refer others, 2% of their profits. At Points2Shop/Cashle, the rewards are endless. So don't miss this great opportunity to get free stuff and money while you're at it, click on the link on the bottom of my message, and get started right now! <a href=""><img

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